Before we set out on our two week "Big Things" road trip around Queensland (you can read about that here) we did a couple of day trips to check that the list of big things we were working from was reliable and to make sure we were getting our timing right and testing out the map tool we wanted to use for the trip.
The first test trip we did had us heading west after checking out some big things close to the CBD. In a fitting start to the day, Noel ordered the "Big Breakfast Burrito" from the Koffee Ko in Norman Park to ensure he was fuelled up for a big day of adventures.
Our first stop was the Big Cicada near the Cultural Centre Busway station. I go past this almost every day on my bus trip to work and still didn't know what it was, so it was nice to find this out.
We then ventured past the Big Balls (lol) near the casino in the CBD and then out to Milton to see the big tennis racket. It was then time to head west-ish past the Big Apple at Acacia Ridge and the Big Coathanger at Wacol.
Further west we saw the first of many Big Bundy Rum Bottle at the Sundowner Saloon, the Big Frog at Laidley Landscaping Supplies and the Big T-Bone Steak at the Brightview Tavern, which we almost missed as it's on the sign out the front.
We also saw the Big Red Elephant at Plainland, the Big Orange at Crowley Vale and finally the Big Blue Shoe at Glengarry.
A crazy storm hit about lunchtime, so we decided to head home after stopping for a tasty lunch at the Fernvale Bakery.
Our list turned out to be pretty reliable, which was great and we discovered we needed to allow a bit more time than we though, so all in all it was a successful trip.